Timetable (Chinese and English Version)

Last week I had started Sabrina on timetable learning.
I brought a VCD timetable song for her to learn(in Chinese version),She enjoyed it very much.Important after watched e VCD her interest on timetable had increased.
then she got the idea what is "Timetable"?
and I also explained to her about (3 x 2 = 6) is also same like(3 + 3 = 6). I also teaching her about the group basis example. 2 groups , each group have 3 apples , 2 groups x 3 apples = 6 apples in total.

I also explain it to her if she forgot about 3 x 3 = ? , she no need to reference to the timetable sheets .she can using 3 x 2 =( 6) + 3 = 9) to get the next answer.
She finally understand e Maths concepts that will help she in timetable learning journey.
taken on 26/3/2010

taken on 31/3/2010

taken on 5/4/2010

taken on 7/4/2010

Taken on 8/4/2010

taken on 9/4/2010

taken on 13/4/2010

Taken on 14/4/2010

Taken on 19/4/2010

Taken on 23/4/2010

Mission Completed.! Hooray!

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