
S got this from Rachel birthday party goodie bag.

Tangram is an intellectual game , by definition , is composed of seven panels. 而这七这块板可拼成许多图形(1600种以上),例如:三角形、 平行四边形 、不规则多边形、玩家也可以把它拼成各种人物、形象、动物、桥、房、塔等等,亦可是一些中、英文字母。 This seven piece of board can be spelled many graphics (1600 above), such as: triangle, parallelogram , irregular polygon, the player can put it spelled a variety of characters, images, animals, bridge, house, tower, etc. also some in English letters.
Often play this games could help to stimulate development of a child.A
S like it so much.. Thank you Aunty Jinjin
A hen

A Goat

A rabbit


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