9th lesson Piano

Today teaches 2 new technical exercise : Hammering with Right Hand and Hammering with Left hand ,Sabrina has to practise Set thumb down silent. Hold down throughout exercise.All technical exercises are getting more difficult. Sabrina need longer time get to control her fingers. Her second finger keep pointing up.

Her left hand work better.

Teacher Rebecca teaches new note "F"=last finger.

First line, she has try and try many times but still can not master it. Sabrina today has less concentration, she was like dreaming...

Sabrina has learnt new song " Ker Ren Lai". she can not play it during the lesson,but after home practised she can play it

Sabrina learnt new piece "Acrobat" Different between Slur (Smoothly) and Tie-Note
Slur = second note is different, need to play. Tie-Note = second note is same note, no need to play just add in the number of counts.
Theory time , Sabrina like no mood to learn at all today, she can't recognize what is line notes and space notes,,(She actually know it)but she doesnt want to answer it correctly, I had very angry and threated her if she doesnt want to concentrate, I will cancel and don want to bring her to see Strawberry shortcake show at Compass point. She cried.


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