N2 End of Sch Term & Pot luck Party-Concert

Time passing by, so fast is the time of end of school term.
Yup.. I keep telling mummy after school holiday.
I will be in K1 and I will be in "Faith A"
and K1 teacher would not be the same teacher and
some friend wil not be same class anymore.
There will be younger student joining the school as N1.

Nursery and K1 classes will stage a performance at St Anne's Hall.
Parents are invited to the Concert.

N1 Performance.....

K1 Performance...........

After the Concert we back to our class for eating session.

During eating time, I Sing and Dance with my best friends Racheal and Claris. I really have a great time with them.

Mummy words...
As mummy ,when i see them sing and dance happily and naturally. This will bring me to my own childhood day. I feel touching...
Is it time for our photo taking session, I have photo taking with all my best friend especially is Racheal Chiang, Claris Ku, Gabielle Ho and Xavier Ho


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