English Story books that Sabrina read

All these books is I brought it from JB city square popular book shop,as we can use singapore membership card to gave 10% or 20% discount base on the promotion.

We brought these Science book in Apr 09, when she was 3+

A fruit comes from a flower. A seed comes from a fruit

Sabrina like this rhyme very much..

Is is never too early to introduce some topics in science because Sabrina curious about things happening around. In this series are stories that reveal strange and fascinating details about animal world and plant life around us.
this series of books is very easy to read and understand. and also very cheap. only RM3.95 before discount.

This Phonics in reading series 2-10 books in a set.
Every parent awaits hat magic moment when her child picks up a book and reads it without any help.
Series 1 consists of 10 books; five for the short vowel sounds and another five to introduce the long vowel sounds.
Series 2 is composed of 10 books ; four to introduce the consonant blends ;two for the double consonant L while another four cover the consonant digraphs.
Once she can sound out words with confidence, she can reads increasingly more difficult and interesting books on her own.

Sabrina enjoyed reading... she has spend her day in reading all the time.


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