Value of Money

悯农-李绅: 锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土.谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦. Nowadays, children do not understand what is 挣钱辛苦? Case 1 This few days, I was talking to S about do not drops rice everywhere when eating and I was telling her about my childhood time..her 外婆 (my mum) very strict,外婆do not allow us drop a single rice on the floor, if yes ! we need to pick it up and eat it. When eating we need to use our both hands.. one hand for eating and another hand must hold on to the bowl. Yes ! after S hear about my story.. she did the same..pick up rice on the table and eat it. Case 2 Treasure of her belonging and taking good care of them. Do not lost it and pulling the school bag till tear. Making daddy spending on unnecessary things, buying the thing again and again..I explain it like 花钱like 水龙头,水流个不停. and DO not go school shop buy unnecessary things like ribbon, note pads (so far S had bought 2 things in the school shop)...because a lot of her classmates buy things everyday, she feel like doing the same. I had explain to her that e money for her to spend on food not on stationery. Case 3 Please do not ask for toy..if parents said too expensive can not effort.( Do not making a big fuss) Money do not grow on the tree, is daddy hard earn money.why hard earn money ??? because daddy sometimes scolded by boss, have to work late , no time to eat lunch.


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