Racial Harmony at Bishan CC

We got Bishan Racial Harmony ticket from our Art competition.The events will start from 6pm to 9.3pm
There are a lot of games stalls. I can image Sabrina will be fun in this events.
She like to play....

First ,Sabrina has trying the fishing.

She is very excited when she catch a fish.

She is enjoying hopscotch very much.. she keep asking to play it again and again.

After that we went for tattoos, Sabrina choose a butterfly

Sabrina trying to do some Arts work rolling the color paper.

henna artwork

about 7pm , we are going for some snacks

Sabrina and mummy trying on" How make the Art Balloon's and design.
The dog head is ready

This 2 little is make by Sabrina and me.

Using Goli to shoot or hit the coins on the sand.

Chinese Calligraphy 书法 is the skill that i want to show it to Sabrina, so far I had brought 毛笔 and Ink.
Finally today She get to know what is 书法 . I got teacher to write a words for Sabrina.

Today is a good experiences for Sabrina. Other that games , games and also train her in good interaction skills.


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