Sunday Cathechism class
I had been long time never post about journey with God. What they learn about today topic "My body is a temple of the holy spirit."

Opening prayer.. light up the candle.

The Ten Commandments
1. I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain
3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day
4. Honor your father and your mother
5. You shall not kill
6. You shall not commit adultery
7. You shall not steal
8. You shall not bear false witness
9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods

Teacher Nora asked children a few questions :
What do u think when you see the shape of the paper ? what is Holy Spirit ?
The Holy Spirit is the Voice for God and acts as a reminder to all of God's children of the unconditional love that God has for them.

All children are very confident and open heart to God.

Bring up their "thoughts".

Showing their "Love" with one another..

Be good with friends..

Activities time..

They need to write out words in the bible.

and also write about How/What they need to do show their holy spirit in God.

Share how to show their "LOVE" with others.

Opening prayer.. light up the candle.
The Ten Commandments
1. I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain
3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day
4. Honor your father and your mother
5. You shall not kill
6. You shall not commit adultery
7. You shall not steal
8. You shall not bear false witness
9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods
Teacher Nora asked children a few questions :
What do u think when you see the shape of the paper ? what is Holy Spirit ?
The Holy Spirit is the Voice for God and acts as a reminder to all of God's children of the unconditional love that God has for them.
All children are very confident and open heart to God.
Bring up their "thoughts".
Showing their "Love" with one another..
Be good with friends..
Activities time..
They need to write out words in the bible.
and also write about How/What they need to do show their holy spirit in God.
Share how to show their "LOVE" with others.
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