七叔公 house at Bishan St 22

We had passby this playground last two week, there have a big area for people to play rollerblades and cycle.
Sabrina had been asking many time to bring her rollerblade shoes and bicycle

She always like to take challenge..

Today, just the right time to let Sabrina has her playground adverture at Bishan St 22, because her 七叔公 is staying nearby.

We went 七叔公 house to see their travel photos to Egypt, Europe, England, South Africa.... They had been travel to a lot of country to get the idea of Arts.
婶婆 is doing business of Clay Arts, She has her own workshop at home, she make her own Clays, sell it at Singapore Arts Gallery. Her house has a lot of Clays.. a lot of Clay animals, plastic animals .. every corner of their house, Her collection is OWL..very interesting house.

Hope Sabrina got a chance to learn from her about clay.
Sabrina was enjoyed to play with 叔公 pretending games almost the whole day.
2pm to 6pm, cant imagine 叔叔 got a lot of patience with children.
About 6.30pm, we went 小姑姑 3 year old birthday at Sengkang. We home only 12am mid night.
