Children's suffering in Africa

Last night Sabrina had complained about her balloon sword air came out.. the top part of the sword was empty now. She is crying..then I was pacifier her that we will gave another one next time. again, she had demand for more balloons.

Remember, Sabrina had demanded for a balloon during mid year lantern festival night.. when she was not receive the balloon from the magical. She make a big fuss and she is crying loudly for the balloon...

I actually explain to her that she need to learn how to control her emotional.

I was explain to her that is doesn't fair that she has 2 balloons and other children had 1 only or some even don gave ones.

Then I was told her about the children in Africa, they don even have foods to eat, no house to stay, no clothes to wear,no toys to play, no daddy and mummy, they can not go school to study, they have no milk, their daddy and mummy no job.....
sick no doctors , no medications...

and I also show her the photo of children in Africa.
The Title is
" Starving Children In Africa Are Not Getting Enough Nutritious Food From World Aid"

And I also show her a video..... She cries...she said " she know" already.
then she stop demanding....then she start to ask a lot question about children in Africa,...

I was told her that before she wanted something from mummy, can she also think of the children in Africa....appreciate in her life with daddy and mummy.
I wish she is grown up with who will learn respect and empathy and turn those principles into words and acts of kindness can have a huge impact.


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