心算 mental arithmetic

A lot of the Singaporean send their children to mental arithmetic center.
But I choose to teach my girl at home.
I am not a "Teacher", I don't know, what is the professional teaching methods ?
I have my time , patience and I am have my own way to teach.

Recently I had successfully trained my 5 year old girl use 心算 mental arithmetic to count. Now she could count 1 to 100 add 1 to 100. like 54+57 = ? (count without a pen and pencil with her)

How to I teach ? I'm use "IMAGINATION SKILL".
From 1 to 10 is easier.
I just ask her to memories it. like 1+1=2,2+2=4,3+3=6,4+4=8 then 5+5=10.
From 11 to 100. She need to use her Imagination Skill to count.
How to use Imagination Skill. If the question is 25+27=?

She need to look up straight,brain start thinking of the numbers and image the numbers in front of her and start counting.
The skill is Imagination.
She need to imagine the 5 and 7 and 5+7 =12 (she has no problem to count), then she need to write out the number 2 in the air or say out and carrying the 1 ( mean 10) to on top of 2+2 mean is 1+2+2=5 and the answer will be 52.

First You need to train your child about "Imagination"

1)Look up at the sky and look at the cloud. asking them to what is the cloud look like.
A car or a monster ?

2)During their bathing time look at the bubble, asking them what things is belong circle shape ?

3)During story time with them, asking them to imagine the person or animals you are talking to. like a old lady. How does the old lady looks like ? what animals can be pet ?

On and off I need to ask question to let their brain working. In this way their brain will work faster.

So far she able answer the questions like :

Q. 5 x 5 A.25
Q.16 + 39 A.55
Q. 9 x 9 A.81
Q.19 + 7 A.26

She is at addition and multiplication level.I will be continually teaching subtraction using 心算 mental arithmetic too.


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